They should make a search bar for the forums so you can search a topic and find the thread your looking for and also see if the thread has been made before.

March 11th, 2013
March 11th, 2013

It would be cool to see the number of unique hits a song has gotten. Sometime’s I just get curious if people have ever looked at those more obscure exps.

everyone should stop asking for a search function, its already been suggested a million times

March 22nd, 2013

It would be cool to see the number of unique hits a song has gotten. Sometime’s I just get curious if people have ever looked at those more obscure exps.

it’s coming….

everyone should stop asking for a search function, its already been suggested a million times

we’re gonna do this i swear – we’ve delayed it a bit bc we’re planning an even bigger forum overhaul that will allow for some other pretty cool things………………………..

March 22nd, 2013

Just thought of a way to sort that is probably the most useful to me (would me I mean), relates to my earlier post

One thing that I would really enjoy is ways to sort your explanations… not sure how complex it could be made, but I’d really enjoy something like

Sort by songs explained on

Because sometimes I find myself going through an old song I explained on (that I came across), and a lot of my old explanations are not very good, so I edit them. But it’d be nice to see every song you’ve explained on (with the number of exps. on that song).

I dunno if I typed that well but I’m mutli-tasking so hopefully it made sense.

March 24th, 2013

Add a “My Threads” thing where you can click on it and it will bring up all the thread you’ve posted in, top being most recent. It would make it way easier to find certain threads.

March 24th, 2013


May 30th, 2014

January 25th, 2015

-Forum Search

-Ability to upload photos from computer rather than HAVING to upload them to a site first then copying the URL

January 25th, 2015

Also whenever someone responds to me and tags me I get 2 notifications.
One that I was tagged and one that there was a new post it annoys me tbh.

Also all the notifications really pile up so if I am off RG for a while and come back its a pain going through which notifications I’ve already read. Implement a read feature where it checks off the posts you’ve read or makes them grey or something. And include the option to delete notifications. Like individually if u wanted to once youve read them.

Also deleting private messages.

January 25th, 2015

January 29th, 2015

still waiting on the forums to get on the rg app

January 29th, 2015

@ewokABdevito How about a “consensus approval” for annotations? If 5 editors/mods/regs co-sign and affirm that your annotation, needs no editing (as it explains everything being used and what the line is EXACTLY ABOUT) then from that point on that annotation should set the standard, for how that song is annotated. Genius annotations should be allowed on every song page, automatically. It would vastly improve annotation quality and work ethic.

@tech-genius Also, it would be great if I could have my tates all lined up BACK in chronological order. I shouldn’t have to be editor for the bug, NOT BE THERE. That makes editorship 10 times harder, for everyone else who has been de-editored.

@ScopeY, you know the RG Terms and Literary Devices Page? Why don’t we actually USE IT to our benefit and elaborate on what emcees are using as lyricists? Like, knowing Nas used “personification” for the entirety of “I Gave You Power”, changes the entire way that song has been annotated.

Those who know what they’re using, should be given some more consideration for being made editor, as it would inform everyone on that page, what has been misinterpreted. The best editors, imho should be as well-informed as well, in addition to removing errors, unnecessary info, irrelevant gifs/images, etc. and not ignorant or left in the dark.

January 29th, 2015

@DarkThoughtsQueDreams Instead of bumping this thread, can you please post new ideas in @genius-ideas? that way everyone can see your thread, instead of whoever just happens to be around at the time.

January 29th, 2015

@JackaFlockaFlame check this thread out. One of the few times RG has a interactive, community thread. A lot of shit needs improvement on here.

January 29th, 2015