
Rage got old 30 minutes in. Only reason it earned acclaim was for graphics, absolutely nothing else.

February 20th, 2014

Grand Theft Auto 5.

Story gets redundant after a while and free roam is boring after a half an hour. Online is awful as well.

February 21st, 2014


I know but i found the game so boring, i didn’t like it at all

February 22nd, 2014

I was never big on Zelda during the NES era but I played Ocarina when it came out and loved it. A game like that is very dated so to a younger person, it might not seem like such a great game. But if you played that when it first came out, your opinion might be different.

I think the first person shooter genre is overrated tbr. No games in particular and that’s not to say they all suck but the genre in general is overrated.

February 22nd, 2014

Final Fantasy 7

April 21st, 2014

I thought The Last Of Us was pretty underrated (as of recent memory, I’m sorry). Excellent game, but not the GameOfTheFuckingGeneration millions of people called it to be. I mean just keep it real, even in the year of 2013, there’s at least half a dozen games that rival it if not surpass it. The game is gorgeously polished but has zero innovation whatsoever, which would refrain me to call it the game of even its month of release.

Something that, by the way, can absolutely not be said about Ocarina of Time, for its naysayers on this page (with all due respect). Z-targetting is quite literally what made 25 years of 3D adventure games possible. That’s something.

I also quite agree with the person who mentioned Dark Souls. Hard, unforgiving, sometimes unfair, rigid as hell games exist by the millions since the origin of gaming. Even the Monster Hunter franchise is more interesting in that regard, and it’s contemporary.

April 21st, 2014


What could surpass it then because you’re more or less calling the game shit if it wasn’t even able to be the release of it’s month and trying to off-balance it by calling it pretty underated which makes no sense.

April 21st, 2014

Yeah I’m sorry I wrote “underrated” while, as the topic goes, I meant “overrated”.

I never called the game shit. I said it was gorgeously polished and I stand by it. What I’m trying to say is that the game borrows from dozens of games of the seventh generation (and older) and is a tremendous work of summary to a lot of what has made this generation glorious. And I highly regard it for that.

But it’s a linear zombie TPS zombie. It’s beautiful, the story is beautiful, the gameplay is very nice, the ladders are incredible (irony here), but it’s just another linear TPS.

If you want a great linear TPS storyline, Spec Ops: The Line is much, much more profound.
If you want a great game that has you shoot at zombies and search through your back-pack for ammunition, then ZombiU is much more tense than The Last Of Us will ever be.
If you want a fricking gorgeous shooter, then the yearly release of CoD is there for you.

The Last Of Us finds a charming middle ground, that’s for sure. But every single aspect that we all like in this game finds a better counterpart in another game (except, maybe, the voice acting).

As of its generation of release, Super Mario Galaxy was a much more groundbreaking game.
As of its year of release, Tearaway was a much more groundbreaking game.
As of its month of release, Animal Crossing: New Leaf brings ten if not twenty times more hours of fun to the table.

The Last of Us is a very nice game (not shitty at all), but not even close to the revolution everyone’s wishful thinking makes it look like. Makes me wonder how many 7th gen games the ones calling it GOTG have actually played.

April 22nd, 2014

most shooting games r overrated

April 22nd, 2014

@mkultra Not the person to talk to about trying out Spec-Ops. So we’re pretty much leaning on “It’s decent but there’s games that already major in one or more aspects of what this does”. Tbh shit got tense for me once I started playing on Hard and Survivor. Difficulty is always going to play part in whether you play a game strictly for fun and story or for an actual challenge and I believe TLOU pulled it off effectively when you were severely close to running out of bullets and had to find a pattern you could barely scrape by to escape a room of clickers but I’m sure our experiences differ.

Also on top of the story I actually still feel the multiplayer is a notable part of it, still in that sense of that it’s an aspect that’s of course been done with Team Deathmatch but it forces the player to change their mindset from how they would normally play and in most cases manages to be a fair and competitive experience, having even a balancing point for the losing team to gain more materials against their opponents with the flow of the map constantly shifting and never necessarily allowing one spot to be completely safe to camp at. like the first Modern Warfare when they got the spawn-points somewhat decent.

If anything the game is receiving praise for holding a great balanced weight for the three categories you recommended other titles for. Spec-Ops has a great hand for story but lacks in gameplay. ZombiU succeeds in gameplay but lacks in story. Call of Duty…. it’s 2014, c'mon son, the best aspect you have for that is the Extinction/Zombies gimmick that’s actually accessible to everyone and not just the MLG players that have constant trick up their sleeves to keep fucking with lower players as well as camping, spamming weapons that have to get completely nerfed into being useless and other aspects that diminish it’s multiplayer these days and the story mode is a beaten horse of “see the foreigners? Kill the foreigners.”

As for opinions on release of X, I’ll just leave that to your subjective taste, I wouldn’t call TLOU the game of a generation which I know some people would but it’s up there on my top 10.

@knowsQmuch Doom, Max Payne, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Grand Theft Auto, Halo 3, Half-Life, Bioshock, Unreal Tournament, Resident Evil 4, Crysis, Gears of War, Star Wars Battlefront, Singularity, Deus Ex/Human Revolution, F.E.A.R., Red Faction, Metro 2033, G.R.A.W, GoldenEye, Serious Sam, Quake, Rainbow Six, Team Fortress, System Shock 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Counter-Strike, Killzone 3, SWAT 4, Hexen, Heretic, Duke Nukem 3D, Rise of the Triad, Shadow of Chernobyl, The Suffering 1 & 2, even Postal. C'mon son. I know shit like the constant clones of Battlefield and CoD makes shooting games look bad but there’s so much beneath the surface that doesn’t need to be condemned.

April 22nd, 2014

Unreal Tournament is the best FPS series…ever.

April 23rd, 2014

Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto are defintely 2 of the most overrated video game series ever as far as I’m concerned.

April 23rd, 2014


I can’t get with the Big ass fire balls when I punch somebody

Everybody knows if you pick Eddy you not passing the controller to the next man till after you beat at least two of your friends. If you REAL good with Eddy you mess around and don’t pass the controller at all.

Fuck TEKKEN!!!

April 23rd, 2014
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