I was on another site where you could give the equivalent of thumbs up or down, but when you did it; 1) it recorded your name so whomever you were down voting could SEE who it was and 2) you HAD to explain WHY you were down or up voting. I think that would help with people anonymously down voting shit for no reason.

December 10th, 2011

We should have certain Forum Moderators. Those who guard the forums by deleting spam and have the ability to forum ban for a certain period of time. I was thinking that I would be perfect for the job lol.

December 10th, 2011

Somebody thinks they’re funny. Har dee har. Asshole.

December 10th, 2011

I know it’s been said already numerously but could we add page numbers, an edit button and when people attach pictures to post could you have that auto-resize thing

December 11th, 2011

How about limiting people to only having one account. You can either do this by only one account by e-mail or one by IP address or something like that. The Trolls are killing this forum and no one is doing anything about it.

December 11th, 2011


December 11th, 2011

My suggestion is ban Ty

December 11th, 2011

Okay, seriously, Mods need to start banning people, for real. This place is on dire straits because all of the obvious trolls who do nothing but fuck with shit. Honestly, what is keeping you guys from taking action with this? Pretty much every other serious forum on the internet has some amount of troll control and this place has none. Obvious trolls need to be banned, and the poster that created the troll accounts should be banned too. For real, Ty_6 is single-handedly ruining this forum and it’s bullshit.

December 13th, 2011

Co-sign Supermother, notice how he’s bumping up all his shit? Lol. with Melatonin_Magik, Lifthat and some others.

December 13th, 2011

Just a thought, this site may need to use the word “lyrics” more in its descriptions, instructions and other site sections. Google searches for text strings, so if we want RapGenius to be among the first search results returned when people search for “[Insert song and artist name] lyrics” then Google needs to keep getting told that this is a lyrics site.

We’re already doing pretty well, but I think there are more places where the word “lyrics” can be used, which would help us out a bit more.

December 15th, 2011


December 15th, 2011

@hughofeden – Google doesn’t weigh keyword frequency as much as it used to, so plastering “lyrics” everywhere won’t help that much (though we try to use it a decent amount on song pages).

What will help is getting links to songs where the link text is “artist name song name lyrics” (rather than “check it out on rap genius” or whatever). So tell your friends with Tumblrs to blog about us!

@Everyone – iPhone app is coming soon / eventually. HOW DO YOU GUYS LIKE THE NEW MOBILE WEBSITE THO; NOT BAD RIGHT?!

ALSO @Everyone – we’re working on some forum enhancements to help with trolling. E.g., soon you’ll need 50 Rap IQ to post anything and 100 Rap IQ to create new discussions. But if you have some urgent problem / some particular user is being a bitch, just message Maboo and he can help take care of it.

December 15th, 2011


I was just about to tell about that shit! The mobile site is dope!

December 15th, 2011

@LEMON, word. Tis been a while since I’ve been on website back ends haha

December 15th, 2011

We should put a picture of my dick to cover the front page.
Thats going to get a lot of people.

December 15th, 2011